Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Motivate Through Aspiration, Not Fear

There is still a stereotype of the "kickass manager" who blows in, lays down the law (ever seen Glengarry Glenross?) and blows out, leaving his troops scared yet highly motivated through this fear of God...and they rise to the occassion to save the day by blowing their numbers away!

That might work once. Or twice. Or even longer, if your people aren't skilled or self-confident enough to find jobs elsewhere. But it's not the best way to build a great team that can make a business sustainably successful over the course of years.

People are motivated by 1) fear and 2) aspiration. Which one do you use more? What idea gives meaning or vision to each individual to create long-term, sustainable motivation?

Fear can work wonders in the short-term, but isn't a sustainable a motivator - it takes too much energy and burns you and your people out. Great managers first motivate through aspiration, and then secondly only occassional rally the team with adrenaline-producing anxiety around achieving major goals, deadlines and projects.

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